Planet Wins Seven-Figure Pilot with International Defense Customer for PlanetScope Data Enhanced with SynMax AI

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Planet Labs PBC (NYSE: PL), a leading provider of daily data and insights about Earth, has announced that it has signed a seven-figure pilot contract with an international ministry of defense customer for PlanetScope data enhanced with the AI-based Theia solution from its partner SynMax. Together, Planet and SynMax, a Houston-based satellite analytics and intelligence company, are providing the customer with a cutting-edge maritime domain awareness (“MDA”) solution for vessel detection and monitoring. Additionally, the customer also expanded their SkySat contact with Planet for high resolution satellite data.

“It’s great to see the growing demand for our PlanetScope daily scanning capabilities enhanced by AI-based partner solutions, which are enabling broad area monitoring, detecting, and reporting at significant scale,” said Will Marshall, Planet’s Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder. “This is part of an evolution towards the ability to scan and locate new threats across large areas, moving beyond prior methods that focused solely on gathering intelligence on known areas of interest. Today’s win is clearly a part of this growing trend and we see pilots like this as having the potential to turn into very large operational contracts over time.”

Planet’s high cadence of data collection along with its robust data archive has enabled novel commercial approaches to maritime domain awareness, which has historically been constrained by limited coverage, manual processes, and complexity in fusing data sources.

Earlier this year, Planet announced that it was awarded a competitive, seven-figure ACV contract by the U.S. Navy’s “Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific” (NIWC) for vessel detection and monitoring over key areas throughout the Pacific Ocean. NIWC Pacific is using Planet data and AI capabilities from SynMax with their SeaVision platform to help improve maritime domain awareness and support broad area monitoring.


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