Constellation Technologies & Operations Raises €9.3M to Empower Telecom Operators to Offer Internet Access from Space

Constellation Technologies & Operations Raises €9.3M to Empower Telecom Operators to Offer Internet Access from Space

Constellation Technologies & Operations, a start-up developing a constellation of satellites to empower telecom operators to deliver high-speed, low-latency internet access from space, has secured €9.3 million in funding. The investment comes from Expansion, which is a fund dedicated to New Space and New Air Mobility, and the French Tech Seed fund managed by Bpifrance on behalf of the French government, as part of the France 2030 plan in addition to its historical investor. This funding will enable the company to conduct its first end-to-end connectivity tests on the ground and in orbit, and complete detailed engineering studies for the first two satellites of its constellation.

Internet Access From Space: A New Opportunity for Telecom Operators in a Market Dominated by New Entrants

The global market for high-speed, low-latency internet from space is expanding rapidly, driven by the convergence in performance and pricing between terrestrial and satellite connectivity for the first time in telecommunications history. According to a 2023 GSMA Intelligence report, this market represents a potential $35 billion annual revenue opportunity for telecom operators by 2035.

However, this growing market is largely being captured by new telecom entrants, particularly U.S. projects like SpaceX’s Starlink and Amazon’s Kuiper, along with Chinese ambitions. These players are already developing or operating satellite B2C constellations, with several thousands of satellites – a number that could reach tens of thousands in the future.

To remain competitive, telecom operators need solutions that allow them to tap into this new space-based connectivity market and provide internet access from space, as a complement to their terrestrial networks.

Constellation Technologies & Operations: Empowering Telecom Operators with Space-Based Internet Connectivity

Founded in 2022 by Charles Delfieux, Constellation Technologies & Operations aims to address this challenge by developing a B2B2C constellation of satellites that places telecom operators at the center of the value chain. The company’s goal is to enable universal internet access, which is essential for social and economic development, by allowing telecom operators worldwide to offer their customers high-performance, affordable, and sustainable internet access from space, particularly in areas where terrestrial networks are unavailable.

Innovative Technology Combining Very Low Earth Orbit and 5G Frequency Bands

Constellation Technologies & Operations stands out with two key technological innovations. First, by deploying its constellation in Very Low Earth Orbit, the company ensures high-speed connectivity with minimal latency. It also supports a more sustainable use of space by reducing the risks of space debris and light pollution.

Second, Constellation Technologies & Operations has adopted an innovative radio frequency strategy by repurposing telecom operators’ terrestrial 5G spectrum for space-based connectivity. This approach provides operators with alternative access to unsaturated spectrum.

Funding to Support End-to-End Connectivity Testing and Satellites Development

The €9.3 million seed round, led by the Expansion fund, the French Tech Seed fund managed on behalf of the French government by Bpifrance as part of the France 2030 plan, and the company’s historical investor, will allow Constellation Technologies & Operations to achieve key milestones. These include end-to-end testing of its space-based internet services with a combination of orbiting payload and ground station prototypes. The start-up employs around 30 people working across its offices in Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines and Toulouse, France.

This funding will also support the detailed engineering studies of the first two complete satellites, which are scheduled for launch by end of 2026. Subsequently, the company plans to industrialize and mass-produce the satellites, user terminals, and the overall system, with a phased rollout of its space-based connectivity service. Constellation Technologies & Operations expects its infrastructure to be fully deployed by the end of the decade, offering global coverage and enabling telecom operators to provide their customers with high-speed, low-latency internet access from space - just as they do today with terrestrial telecommunications networks.

Charles Delfieux, CEO and founder of Constellation Technologies & Operations, stated: “We are thrilled to have secured this funding, which will allow us to continue developing our constellation and help telecom operators unlock the enormous potential of space-based connectivity. Our mission is to bridge the digital divide and provide universal internet access, empowering telecom operators to serve customers even in the most remote areas.”

Investor Charles Beigbeder, Co-Founder of Expansion, concluded: “Constellation Technologies & Operations represents a unique opportunity to support disruptive innovation in space connectivity infrastructure. Their approach ensures that telecom operators can fully participate in this new market while addressing the environmental challenges facing the space sector.”

Claire Waché, Senior Investment Officer at Bpifrance: “We're pleased to support Constellation Technologies & Operations, as its technological innovations around ultra-low orbit and the use of 5G spectrum are key to enable telecoms operators to enter and compete in the space connectivity market. This investment reflects Bpifrance's mission to support disruptive innovation in strategic sectors”.

Constellation Technologies & Operations has already received several expressions of interest from European telecom operators and is in advanced discussions with international operators.


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