CATALYST Expands Support for Ultra-High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
CATALYST with Maxar WorldView Legion 30cm satellite image of airfield
CATALYST, a PCI Geomatics Enterprise Inc. brand and leader in the Earth observation industry, announced today that its CATALYST Professional, CATALYST Enterprise, and CATALYST OnBoard software now support imagery from Maxar’s WorldView Legion, the latest ultra-high-resolution Earth observation satellite constellation.
This significant development enables CATALYST users to harness the exceptional clarity of WorldView Legion’s 30 cm-class data for precise analysis and decision-making across industries. As one of the most requested new sensors, WorldView Legion imagery empowers users to achieve better outcomes in applications ranging from disaster management to urban planning and environmental monitoring.
“The imagery from WorldView Legion is truly exceptional, and its demand among our customers speaks volumes” said Kevin Jones, Vice President of Product at CATALYST. “Adding it to the 120 optical, SAR, and aerial sensors already supported by CATALYST products demonstrates that CATALYST understands how critical timely access to data sources is for our users.”
The integration is now available to CATALYST customers. Whether through interactive software or high-capacity automated processing pipelines, users can now fully leverage WorldView Legion data for their applications. This enhancement reflects CATALYST’s ongoing dedication to its role as a responsive provider that ensures customers have access to the latest geospatial data.